Nazim Nasri
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Siti Aafiyah anak ibu.
Definitely there is "NO" for Dato Seri Siti Nurhaliza. The moment when I saw Instagram live via Kak Rozie account regarding "Siti Nurhaliza On Tour 2019", I'm straight away screenshot the venue and price for the concert! IT IS A CONCERT OF THE YEAR. You cannot say no for this event! Its a major regrets when you are not around with all 12,000 #SitiZoners in Axiata Arena last 16th March! haha.
"Will she perform well during this time?!" BITCH?? She sang Kurniaan Dalam Samaran spontaneously with no music and preparation. That is one of the hardest song. She kills every notes. 25 albums, 250 songs, she's top notch!
I don't know how to express my feelings and emotions when seeing her on stage with gold Puteri Perak outfits made by Rizman Ruzaini. I SCREAM LOUDLY (all Sitizoners does lol). Shes freaking gorgeous that night. Starting with irama Malaysia segment which is she sang Badarsila and few song wrote and compose by late Pak Ngah the one who taught her this genre.
Demi Kasih Sayang was LIT ESFAK.
I can't tell more about the concert because I'm too enjoy watching the show. Phewww. Can't stop smiling since I arrived at Bukit Jalil area till today. There were lots of laughter and smiles at the concert. My jaw now is cramped.
Everybody is waiting this one moment which has gone viral from herself indirectly. And she even asked us in the arena, "Semua orang nak saya cakap ni kan?"
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
60 days loose weight program gone wrong. Thank you friend for lending me your winter coat and Im look slimmer than you thought. Mihhhh.
4 days work trip in Manchester and 7 days in London and I felt like I have been there almost 1 century. lol. I do not know how to tell you how much fun that i had in UK. But frankly speaking, i'm not really into London. Istanbul wins my heart. lelz.
I survived taking tube from Nelson Garden to Heathrow airport. I'm European now. Tehee.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

source: google
I borrowed this book from my lecturer and i never turn it back to her cuz i lup this book as much as people thought i don't read any books. lol. I'll pay to her soon. This book is too good for me. It just like a remedy to be a good person. If you wanted to be a better person orang kata bacalah Qoran, Go and find yourself this book then you know.
Dulu masa belajar, lecturer selalu cakap kerja dekat Leo Burnett ni susah gila. You need to compete with the rest of smart people. I don't know. Kalau orang lain boleh kenapa kita tak kan? There's no alasan. Dulu masa study memang ada rasa nak kerja dengan advertising firm. But i only knew Leo Burnett. Sebab ada senior intern kat situ 3 hari je kot. Tak tahu kenapa. lol
I want to be like Yasmin. I mean, she's intelligent as we can see through her ads and films. She once said in the book "eh tulis lah subtitle besar sikit. tulis kecil-kecil bukan boleh buat menang award pun." That's shows she is not making film for an award. So she entitled her self as a storyteller.
There's so many quotes best-best dalam buku ni yang mind blown. Setiap kali pergi book store, aku akan pergi bahagian biography kalau-kalau ada any others book tentang Yasmin. Unfortunately no. hmm
She's an executive creative director in Leo Burnett. I mean i want what she has achieve in her life. Her mother recover from illness because of her, she makes a film for her mother. Makes people happy.
I need to be more creative. Tapi aku kena belajar tentang common sense dulu. haha
I lup chew, Yasmin.
Monday, September 12, 2016
April 2016 was my toughest month i guess. Aku overtime for the whole month if im not mistaken untuk settle down dua mega project JubahSouq, which is Magazine & Fashion Show.
Magazine ni project terbengkalai sejak tahun lepas, lepastu tiba-tiba menjadi pula nak buat magazine ni. I was trying to put my heart and soul to do it. But it seems hard sebab aku takde seni sangat nak menulis and terkejut sebab kena jadi project manager. Sebab dulu buat majalah sekolah aku hantar bahan je. haha.
It was a big mistake on this magazine, sebab terlalu banyak cela. Content banyak lari, ada content penting tak masuk sampai merajuk sebab tak ada dalam magazine ni. Gambar banyak tak cukup. And it was a hugeeeeeeeeeee mistake sebab tak plan betul-betul.
Siang malam berhempas pulas buat content, pergi kejar CEO Mood Republik kat Pavilion, kejar owner Modvier kat Bangsar, kejar Vivy Yusof kat Damansara and many more. It's freaking tired but twas fun thou. Kat mana lagi aku nak dapat experience macam ini kan?
Till the time has come untuk printing kan, time tu dengan kawan kau pergi Korea, and could not join us untuk siapkan masterpiece (lol) ini. In before masa tengah buat magazine ni, aku tengah manage and meeting untuk fashion show. Sebab magazine ni akan launch masa fashion show tu. Tak ke nak mampus aku dengan team yang kurang.
So dengan location yang macam tahi lambat nak bagi confirmation, I made it till happen. Kira kalau jual, nego till let go la. haha. Aku tak pernah kerja under pressure. So siang malam stress pasal magazine dengan event yang bukan makanan aku. Kira macam baru nak try.
Dari sini la aku belajar buat checklist, kalau tak buat kita akan lupa. So checklist sebesar ladang kuda supaya nampak. Checklist by day paling crucial, paling stress sebab kena makesure semua siap on time. Especially magazine.
Faham tak perasaan gentar dia bila hari Jumaat dah show, Selasa baru confirm layout kat printing untuk print. Lepastu hari Khamis dapat tahu tak dapat print sebab tak sempat. Time tu aku nak menangis. Aku pun message la si Korea ni merayu supaya dia pujuk orang printing tu siapkan by Friday morning by hook or by crook mesti siap.
It was really happen. Jumaat tu siap juga.
And the show went well i guess. Lighting smooth, runway smooth, decoration ermm a bit disappointing sebab mahal dan lambat siap, performance pun went well pastu penyanyi sentap (kosser nak fikir sebab saya dah penat time tu haha) , guess pun ramai malam tu and was not expecting dapat sambutan. hehehe. Cuma kat backstage ada chaos sikit. But it was under control lah. Sebab ramai jerit-jerit kat belakang, tapi sebab music kuat, tak dengar pun. hehe. and catering pun sedap nak gila (aku tak makan la sebab badan dah pecah 80 kesana kemari. sampai kat catering corner je food dah habis)
We manage to bring Elfira Loy as well and got a coverage from HLive. Oh yeahh, sepatutnya this show dapat coverage daripada Nona dan HipTV tapi mereka ada emergency bini jatuh tandas and ada important issue nak kena cover. Hm ok then.
I'll try to cram all memories as i can into my brain because i don't have any photos with ANYBODY and the photo above i forced Nadhirah to snap it. I hate everyone :(
Credit Photo: Najla
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Aku dah banyak kali silap beli tiket wayang. Kalau pergi dengan kawan, mesti main beli je tiket tak tengok review. Lepastu mula la bising dalam cinema sebab cerita tak best.
But most of the time selalu tengok movie seorang je kat IOI Putrajaya. Kadang-kadang macam nak cepat, selalu beli online je. Time tu tengok tajuk filem dan waktu je, yakin dah tekan IOI City Mall Putajaya. Bila dah purchase atau time nak scan QR Code tu, baru sedar tiket tu untuk dekat IOI Puchong, tak pun dekat Alamanda. Burn macam tu je lah. Tapi paling kerap tersalah beli kat IOI Puchong. ha ha
Semalam tengok cerita Train To Busan. Aku memang tak pernah tengok cerita Korea. Tapi yang satu ni sebab aku tak nampak Korea dia kat mana, more likely macam cerita Omputeh yang lain. Housemate aku cakap cerita ni slow, boss aku cakap cerita ni best.
Sebab aku ada sifat tak judge sesuatu dengan cepat, aku pergi la tengok dengan ex-staffs JubahSouq. Oh btw dah lama tak jumpa, diorang cakap aku dah kurus. Tak tau nak respond macam mana sebab aku dah gain weight balik. So aku rasa diorang tipu.
Movie 12.15 pm, i was planning with them before my boss get into the office. Aku ada kat office time tu sebab waktu tengah jogging kat Tasik Cempaka, sakit perut. Gym pula tutup, jadi aku lari la pergi office sebab dekat. Time tu ada kerja pending, aku lari balik rumah amik all my stuff balik ke office.
11.30pm aku dah sampai office semula sebab nak siapkan kerja. 12.05pm aku masih kat office. Yang lain semua dah call suruh cepat. I get my ass off from the office pukul 12.20pm. Aku kalau lambat masuk movie, macam tension sikit sebab tak dapat tengok intro.
Tapi aku sempat la tengok Rusa bertukar jadi zombie.
(Nak cerita my point of view pasal Train To Busan. Tapi battery laptop dah nak habis. Sambung nanti la. bye hehe )
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Kelas Common Sense
Sebenarnya common sense aku sangat teruk yang aku sedari sejak kat kolej lagi. Tapi kalau time tu siapa yang nak marah kalau aku tak ada common sense pun sebab aku tahu ada lagi ramai kawan aku takde common sense, so i feel better.
Bila dah kerja betul-betul ni, menjadi-jadi betul. Mungkin aku ada common sense, tapi aku macam ragu-ragu. Ke sebab aku penakut ataupun sebab aku ni gemuk? TU MAKE SENSE KE COMMON SENSE?
Dalam masa setahun lepas aku di promote kejawatan sebagai pembantu peribadi. Tak dapat aku kira berapa kali kena marah sebab kurang common sense sampai la kat Istanbul haritu si Zul jerit dalam rumah "Korang semua ni kena pergi kelas common sense lah." Lahhh emo!
Sekarang ni aku kat fasa nak alert something happen dulu baru boleh react common sense atau ah g mampus. Tapi kalau nak buat tabiat g mampus, memang tak kemana lah dengan badan gemuk ni (lahh tetiba kait sekali).
So, macam mana nak belajar untuk ada common sense ini?
Samsul: "Insurans 200euro adalah wajib bagi setiap exhibitor. Kena bayar kat sana nanti."
Rukiah: "Kalau kata pelanggan cedera tapi kita tak amik insurans tu. Macam mana eh?"
Azman: "Wey tadi kan dia cakap exhibitor WAJIB bayar insurans. Nak tak nak mmg kena bayar. Kau kenapa?"
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

When people ask me what I'm doing for a living. I don't know what to answer them. Malu tau. That's not because I'm working in retail company. But my position as a Personal Assistant to the boss. I have no experience in managing someone elses schedule and stuff. Furthermore I'm not graduated in PA field.
Dah nak 2 tahun kerja secara serius. Aku rasa masih belum ada satu level yang I'm proud for who I'm. Aku ada je rasa yang suatu hari nanti aku tak akan jadi bodoh macam sekarang. haha. Aku selalu stress sebab aku tak perform apa yang aku buat.
Kadang tu penat juga kena marah sebab buat silap. Konon lesson learnt. Tak ada maknanya. Selalu je short term memory. Tak faham lah. Aku tak tahu apa aku nak. Suka susahkan orang lain. hmm
Lepastu aku tak suka cerita masalah kat orang (tak ada masalah setakat ni cume stress sebab gemuk), sebab aku dah tak percaya orang. Sebab orang selalu manipulate apa yang aku cakap nanti dan akan jadikan apa yang aku tutur tu satu point untuk gossips. Jangan cakap tak ada orang sembang pasal kita. I'd rather diam daripada cerita pasal orang lain dalam circle. TAK KE JADI MASALAH LAIN BILA ORANG TUDUH KITA MENGUMPAT PADAHAL NAK LUAH RASA JE.
Aku selalu berharap aku tak takut kucing, so that aku boleh bela kucing dan cakap dengan kucing. Biar lantak lah dia tak respond apa-apa. Asalkan dia dengar. Kalau cakap dengan orang, aku menyampah ayat "sabarlahhhhh".
Aku masih try tak mau nampak jadi bodoh dan pelupa lagi dah.
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