Thursday, July 5, 2012

Maksud 786 dalam lagu Alhamdullillah (Too Phat)

Apakah maksud di sebalik 786 yang sering terpampang di papan tanda perniagaan India Muslim. Terdapat dua pandangan dalam menjelaskan maksud dan misteri di sebalik penggunaan nombor 786 yang jelas kelihatan di setiap perniagaan restoran India Muslim.

Pandangan pertama merujuk kepada kaedah memberi nilai angka kepada huruf-huruf Arab. Ia bukanlah diperkenalkan oleh India Muslim. Penggunaan nilai nombor kepada huruf-huruf arab sudah lama dipraktikkan dan mudah dilihat dalam perubatan kuno tempatan yang menjadikan ia sebagai bahan perubatan alternatif. Setiap huruf dalam bahasa Arab diberikan nilai nombor yang berbeza.


Daripada gambar di atas ni, ditunjukkan bahawa setiap huruf ada nilai-nilai dia yang tersendiri. Jadi, dalam ayat basmalah, hasil tambah semua nilai-nilai huruf tersebut ialah 786. Kalau tidak percaya korang boleh je nak kira. Selamat mencuba...

Perubatan tradisional kuno pernah menjadikan nilai-nilai nombor ini sebagai susunan kombinasi yang digabung menjadi tangkal. Melalui inisiatif penjelasan pendidikan agama kepada masyarakat secara berterusan, ia tidak diamalkan pada hari ini.

Nombor 786 yang digunakan oleh peniaga India Muslim di papan perniagaan bukanlah tangkal sebagaimana dilakukan oleh pengamal perubatan tradisional kuno. Nombor-nombor yang wujud di papan tanda tersebut membawa kepada maksud perkataan bismilah.


wénkt said...

ye ke>

Tenux said...

786 is not Bismillah
By Monsterr

786 is not Bismillah, dont write 786 instead bismillah, it is haraam.

Catholics and some others believe 666 is the number for Anti-Christ. Some ignorant Muslims from the south east believe 786 is the number for Bismillah. This is fitnah and bidah.

It is bidah and the bidah will lead you to hell fire. If our prophet didnt do it we shouldnt do it in the name of Islam. Out of Islam that doesnt represent Islam, do whatever pleases you. If you are ummah of the prophet be one.

I am noticing many people have this number on this site, I dont even talk to them, they are fools. Sorry I had to say it.

Anyways, I asked people who write 786 instead of bismillah, why do you write it?. Almost all of them have the same answer it is we cannot give Arabic Quran text to Kafirs (be careful all the none muslims are Kafirs). I asked them what text you are going to give it to Arab none muslims? No answers. Rasulullah used to send letters to none muslim kings at the time and it started with full bismillah written in Arabic not 786.

I am dead serious its so annoying me. okay now......

What is this progressive sunni? And traditional sunni? Moderate muslim and liberal muslim? This is how they divide you. This is how Romans Rule divide and rule. Coz of your ignorance you are dividing yourselves. They will rule and you will be their slaves for ever, you wont even notice it.

Muslim means someone who have submitted or someone who do it in will of allah (God). there is no progressive, liberal or moderate about it.

Anyways, may allah guide you all to right path insahallah. No hard feelings this is the way I talk. I am not planning to talk politically correct way.

So if you dont like it dont take it if you like take it. it's upto you. But i am telling you what you need to know. i am not here to fix muslims or give da'wa to muslims. my job is to help none muslim understand that's all. But on the side i have to inform few things to my brothers and sisters. you will be not my brothers and sisters if you are on the other side of the fence. try to stay inside.