Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I am so private and reserve.

I am so sorry because i'm not be so friendly and talkative with people. Not all people, but certain people that who i think i cannot go with them.

Yes. Somebody has observe me before. 'They' saw me that im always be alone. Either in class or somewhere else. Yes, i do love to be like that.

But yeah, I really don't care what people want to say bout me. Haish.

Like 'they' said just now. "Saya sangat kesian dengan orang-orang yang bajet dan perasan yang dia tu bagus". Absolutely dude. They're so pathetic. Major pathetic. Im sick with this kind of people. But like i said. I DONT CARE :)

Having a bad attitude and never respect others people, that we called RUDE. Layaklah kan?

I have told 'them' that i dont like someone. And that is our secret and never be told anyone. And i have a strong reason.

Hiuuu this is my random feeling. Grammar pun bersepah. I know that. Takyah nak kata aku ni bajet post entry in english. Hah. Sape suruh kau baca tah. Sakit hati kenapa? Oh lupaaa. MELAYU.

P/s: Thanks to them yang doakan kebaikkan dan kejayaan aku. May Allah bless. Terima Kasih!
P/s: Biar pecah kaca, jangan pecah rahsia. LOL.

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